• Question: Why did you choose to study 'Mitochondrial'?

    Asked by crymcewb15 to Georgia, Ollie on 17 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by sorrel.
    • Photo: Ollie Russell

      Ollie Russell answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Mitochondria are like a mini cell…. they have their own DNA, make their own proteins and can do pretty much everything that a cell can do. This means that you have to know alot about different areas of biology to truely understand them.

    • Photo: Georgia Campbell

      Georgia Campbell answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      I didn’t really ‘choose’ to study mitochodnria, as such!

      I applied for lots of different PhDs, all around my general area of interest, which was links between genetics and diseases. Of the places I was offered, this PhD sounded the most interesting, and looked like it was in the best lab, so I chose this one.

      Until I started here, I didn’t really know a lot about mitochondria – though I know loads now, and they’re really interesting, so I’m glad I chose this PhD!
