• Question: What's A Mobius Strip?

    Asked by iheartalltimelow100 to Andy on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Andy MacLeod

      Andy MacLeod answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hello again iheartalltimelow100

      If you missed the answer in the chat, here it is again: A mobius strip is the name for mathematical object, which is a surface with only one face. You can make one with a short strip of paper, like you’d use in a paper chain, but before sticking the two ends together, give one of them a half-twist. You’ll end up with a strip that only has one surface.

      You can demonstrate this with a pencil: start at any point along the strip and follow it round. You’ll end up back at the place you started without ever taking the pencil off the paper.
