• Question: if you take 2 vitamins/tablets a day when it says 1 a day how can it effect your body

    Asked by nrtyx to Alex, Amy, Andy, Georgia, Ollie on 10 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Alex Munro

      Alex Munro answered on 10 Jun 2011:

      Vitamins are generally grouped into ‘water soluble’ and ‘fat soluble’; if you take too much of a water soluble vitamin (e.g. vitamins B and vitamin C ) generally the excess will just be excreted – thrown out in your urine… If you take in too much of a fat soluble vitamin (e.g. vitamin A, vitamin E) there may be side effects (known as hypervitaminosis) but you would have to be taking a lot for this to happen… Its always best just to stick to the recommended dose, otherwise you may just be wasting money!!
